A new blog? Why?

I have always been involved in the tech world and have always shared my knowledge with the public. From my first Youtube channel in 2007 where I showed how to jailbreak an iPod to my second Youtube channel in 2011 where I showed how to create a minecraft launcher in Java or how to program a minecraft server mod, I always had the passion to share my knowledge with the community.

Of all these experiences, the best thing is that I made contact with amazing and exceptional people whom I still keep in touch from all over the world, even to this day. What I find amazing is the sense of accomplishment and pleasure that comes with this.

What’s next?

I’m motivated to share what I find interesting or my new knowledge on various subjects. It may not be consistent or be for everyone, but I find important to share what multiple hours of research on some specific subjects may involve.

It would be my pleasure to bring you down a rabbit hole the time of a new discovery! Welcome to my blog!