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Kevin St-Sauveur

Technology enthusiast

Encrypt everything? To what extent?

One would say to encrypt everything, but to what extent? The dilemma between secure and safe from a data recovery stand point. Encryption you say? Encryption is the process of scrambling data so that it cannot be descrambled. There are several types of encryption (such as asymmetric encryption and symmetric encryption). These methods are used to ensure that no unauthorized user can access your sensitive information, thus protecting your data. ...

July 17, 2022 · 4 min · Kevin St-Sauveur

A new blog? Why?

A new blog? Why? I have always been involved in the tech world and have always shared my knowledge with the public. From my first Youtube channel in 2007 where I showed how to jailbreak an iPod to my second Youtube channel in 2011 where I showed how to create a minecraft launcher in Java or how to program a minecraft server mod, I always had the passion to share my knowledge with the community. ...

June 7, 2022 · 1 min · Kevin St-Sauveur